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万年历 万年历 2022-12-02 09:12:10 1


We were children at first. The Little prince is like the small world in our body which we seldom touch it. We are adults and children.
Adults like counting.when u tell them the house is pretty,they can only feel it by numbers.the price is equal to the pretty house.while children like the house itself, the beautiful garden,the birds even the color of wall,children is attractive do by the feelings.
There are a lot of creative characters in thestory.whenever little prince went to a planet, he would saw different people. And it is soirony that u could find lots of this kind of people on the earth.u could find the king whoreign everything.but the truth is that he reign nothing.he just follow the rules. Anotherman is the vain one.the only thing he could listen is the praise.the only people he couldsee is his admirers.we all like someone pulling our legs,right?the other man is light setter ,train setter and medicine seller,nothing newsworthy about their life ,just like the same routine everyday.children will play the doll for a long time because of the love. So why do ur guys doing that all the time? another man could not be neglected is the binessman.poor man never raise up his hand,never see a flower and never smell a rose.what he cares about is his fortune,millions ofstars. He want to count all he have and write it on the paper,as if he has deposit all his money to the bank.but,even though u count all the stars,can u feel or touch it?stars just like the unreasonable dreams.when u passed by,the thing u abandoned maybe is the treasure u have always looking for. Just stand by like the little prince,he will use the 55 minutes to see the spring.
Fox is like the teacher to the little prince when he is so confused about his roses. He is so disappointed to know that his rose is a normal one,alike other roses.but u know what,things can see by eyes but heart.u will miss the rose because  it is the one u put ur heart in it. U water it,u take care of it,u listen to it.the more things u have done,the much harder for u to live without it.it is the unique tie between ur guys make ur so different to others.like the wheat is no use to the fox,but when he is been tamed,the wheat seem so different because it is the color of price hair.he could now enjoy the sound in wheats.
The things could not be seen by eyes but by hearts. Look at the sky,one is the little prince who is always smelling to us.
